Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stitches and Rice Krispie Treats

Well today has certainly been interesting. It was hubby's turn to sleep in this morning and I was making breakfast while our son played. All of a sudden I heard him freak out so I ran over to him thinking he just scraped himself on something. To my surprise, he had a DEEP gash in his knee about an inch and a half long! Poor guy was bleeding everywhere. I instantly ran to wake David and because he is a Medic, he had some gauze to wrap Ray's knee up in. We instantly left for the ER. They stitched him up and now he is doing great thankfully :) You wouldn't even know he has stitches if it weren't for the big bandage. He is his happy active normal self. This picture is after he got back from riding in his Power Wheels Jeep with his daddy so he looks flushed and tired because it was 102 degrees out :-/

Once we got our little guy to sleep we decided to make some Rice Krispie Treats! Here is hubby helping :)

I love this man <3