Sunday, October 7, 2012

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls!

Mmmmmm! These were so delicious. Don't mind the glaze...I was too lazy to take out my mixer to whip the frosting. These things are damn tasty but are a bit of work. Worth it in my opinion!

I found the recipe here. My husband LOVES Cinnabon so I knew he would love these. There are a couple things I messed up on but they STILL came out amazing.

Pictures of the process for comparison if you decide to try these :)

The dough before it rose

The dough after it rose

Slicing the roll...I was gonna take a picture of the rolled out dough with all the luscious cinnamony goodness but forgot amidst the drooling :)

After rising a 2nd time and ready to go into the oven


I don't know if it's just my oven or what, but a few of these were really doughy on the bottom. This has happened to me before with canned ones so any advice would be greatly appreciated! 

Now onto my latest crochet endeavor:

An Angry Birds hat for my Godson! Took awhile and had me cussing a few times but well worth the finished product!

Back to enjoying my wine and to watch hubby play Resident Evil! Goodnight all!


  1. LOL! Aww...thanks for the hard work on the hat, I probably would have gave up, lol. It came out so cute tho! So it was well worth it!
